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Institutional Information

Standard Proposal Information

Type of institution:

NCIRE is a public, nonprofit institution exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.

Institutional Name and Address:

Northern California Institute for Research and Education, Inc.
4150 Clement Street
Mail Code: 151 NC
San Francisco, CA 94121-1563


San Francisco County

U.S. Congressional District:


Federal Tax ID Number:


Federal Tax ID Number (Federal):


SAM Registration:

Expires 10/30/25

Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS):


Unique Entity ID (UEI):


Commercial and Government 

Number (CAGE#):




Institutional Review Board (IRB) assurance numbers:

Human Subjects Assurance:

FWA00000256; expiration 06/25/2025

Animal Welfare Assurance:


Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI & VII

DHHS Assurance of Compliance:               

Confirmation No: 30490510

Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate:

Final 53.0% Effective date: 10/01/2021 – 09/30/2022
Prov. 53.3% Effective date: 10/01/2022 – 09/30/2025
DHHS Agreement date:     2/13/2024

Industry/Clinical Trials/CRADA:                

37% Effective date: 10/01/2021

Cognizant Federal Audit Agency:

DHHS Financial Management Services
DCA Western Field Office
90 7th Street, Suite 4-600
San Francisco, CA  94103
Contact Person: Jeanette Lu
415-437-7820 (Telephone)

Administrative Official Signing for Applicant Organization:

Rebecca Rosales, MBA, CRA, Chief Executive Officer
Northern California Institute for Research and Education, Inc.
4150 Clement Street
Mail code: 151NC
San Francisco, CA 94121-1563
(415) 750-2295 (telephone)
(415) 750-9358 (facsimile)

Checks should be made Payable to:

Northern California Institute for Research and Education, Inc.

Checks for Federal or Non-Federal or Industry Contracts and Grants should be sent to:

Joanna Zhao, Chief Financial Officer
Northern California Institute for Research and Education, Inc.
4150 Clement Street
Mail Code: 151NC
San Francisco, CA 94121-1563

Main Telephone Number:

(415) 750-6954

Fax Number:

(415) 750-9358 

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